Make to project Patsoft

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Make to Project

The Make to Project industry group has a unique outcome product or service activity at specific location. The project plan needs the coordination of all stakeholders with a detail implementation time and tracking/budgeting through all the project.

Real Estate

Education industry

The education sector is gradually building a new quality improvement system. Applying technology to education activities keeps pace with the trends of the times. Patsoft - the most advanced provider of modern technology solutions.

Energy industry

HR industry、The human resources industry is characterized by complexities, data and information need to be processed continuously: Public data, permission, salary, bonus, regime... Application of information technology, ERP solution. Support to make the HR process easier and more efficient. Help link departments as well as automate activities related to enterprise resources.

Shopping mall industry

In the 4.0 technology era, the application of management software is always a factor that creates a competitive advantage. Patsoft's ERP solution will help manage all arising services such as: electricity, water, management fees, car cards, elevators,... Helping the shopping center operate most efficiently.

Construction industry